Surrendering News April , 2021
We are full, There are no subtle way to put it. Families on our existing wait list are already facing 6- 9 months waits to be able to have u take in their guinea pigs so I decided to close the list till further notice. We sadly have to do this from time to time.
IF YOU ARE RETURNING GUINEA PIGS ADOPTED FROM HERE WE WILL TAKE THEM BACK STILL! IN FACT YOUR ADOPTION CONTRACT PROHIBITS YOU FROM FINDING A NEW HOME. So no matter how busy we get, we ALWAYS take back our original pigs. Please email [email protected] and let us know!
Below are the websites for the county and city shelters in and around Los Angeles. We are really super sad and sorry but we cannot keep up with the volume of guinea pigs brought in that are needing shelter - and we adopt out about 2000!! guinea pigs a year. This tells me we have a pretty big problem
IF YOU ARE RETURNING GUINEA PIGS ADOPTED FROM HERE WE WILL TAKE THEM BACK STILL! IN FACT YOUR ADOPTION CONTRACT PROHIBITS YOU FROM FINDING A NEW HOME. So no matter how busy we get, we ALWAYS take back our original pigs. Please email [email protected] and let us know!
Below are the websites for the county and city shelters in and around Los Angeles. We are really super sad and sorry but we cannot keep up with the volume of guinea pigs brought in that are needing shelter - and we adopt out about 2000!! guinea pigs a year. This tells me we have a pretty big problem